Michael interviewed on the Pigeon Whole podcast by Dave Woll

Michael as photographed after his portrait sessions of riders on the Cross Country Chase in Miami, FL. Photo by Melissa Shoemaker
July 16, 2020

It was fun getting interviewed for the Pigeon Whole podcast by Dave Woll. We spoke about my history with photography and motorcycles through lots of stories. If you’re interested, you can listen to the show through iTunes, wherever you get your podcasts, or go to thepigeonwhole.com. Thanks to Missi Shoemaker for the portrait she made of me from our trip photographing the Motorcycle Chase last year during which I photographed all the riders in this studio set.

@thepigeonwholepodcast, #michaellichter, @missi_bikerphotog

Michael Lichter Photography is a commercial photography business in Boulder, Colorado specializing in all aspects of motorcycling, particularly custom bikes and the biker lifestyle.

You can reach Sean, Michael and Catherine in the studio at (303) 449-3906
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